What is the single most talked about issue in this industry? Not a hard one to answer: finding employees! If you found a good one how can you make sure you don’t lose them?
Being the owner, you are the one making final decisions. And, your decisions affect your employees. If employees are constantly frustrated with decisions you make, they are more likely to leave. This being said, at the end of the day, it is your company, and at times hard choices must be made. It is good advice to consider how these decisions and actions will effect your company and staff.
You will keep your best employees by engaging them in the company, allowing them to contribute and increasing trust! By giving deserving employees more responsibility and say, it will not only keep them interested, but will help prevent them from burning out as well.
You will always have employees that come and go. However, if your turnover rate is high you should consider tracking your management styles and consider adjusting your methods. The following are ways you can check your management style and improve your retainer of good employees.
7 Quick Steps For Good Management
First, many owners try too hard to treat everyone equally. From the guy who shows up late and unprepared every morning to the guy who is early and works hard, employees should be treated based on performance. You wouldn’t give a promotion to someone who is lazy just because he has been with you longest would you? No, it may be that the guy who got hired on a few months after him is always working harder than everyone else, and makes you money. When people realize that hard work gets rewarded, they will work hard for you. However, if people see they can still get the same benefits as the guy working hard, they will continue to be lazy. In turn, your good employees will get frustrated and eventually leave. Ultimately people desire growth opportunity and to be recognized for their work ethics.
Secondly, new owners too often get caught up making up sets of rules. Companies need order, which is where rules are helpful. Although, making ridiculous rules can make people irritated and feeling controlled. No one likes to be controlled, don’t make your employees feel like “big brother” is always watching. A more effective approach is to give them guidelines that demonstrate your trust in their abilities and still keep them accountable.
Thirdly, don’t tolerate poor performance. There is nothing more irritating to a good employee than you letting lazy and sloppy workers get away with their poor performance. Your team is only as good as it’s worst player. Weak links will drag the whole crew down.
Fourth, recognize your crew’s accomplishments! Don’t underestimate the power of a “good job!” or a pat on the back. Reward your top performers.
Fifth, care about your people! It’s impossible to work for someone for eight-plus hours a day when that person isn’t personally involved and doesn’t seem to care about anything other than your output. Bosses who fail to really care will always have high turnover rates. Your people are the ones making you money and represent your company out in the field everyday. If they don’t think you care, they are more likely to not care as well. If you develop a relationship with your team they will feel more connected to the company and are less likely to leave. However, balance is required. Be sure to learn how to be professional when getting to know your employees. Be the boss who celebrate their employees’ successes, empathize with those going through hard times, and challenge them, even when it hurts.
Sixth, let people in on the big picture! It may seem efficient to simply send employees assignments and move on, but leaving out the big picture is a deal breaker for star performers. Star performers shoulder heavier loads because they genuinely care about their work, so their work must have a purpose. When they don’t know what that is, they feel alienated and aimless. When they aren’t given a purpose, they find one elsewhere.
Seventh and lastly, make things fun! If people aren’t having fun at their work, they won’t give it their all. You don’t want days to become monotonous and dreadful. Of course you want your team to remain focused, but let them loosen up a bit. The idea is simple: if work is fun, you’ll not only perform better, but you’ll stick around for longer hours and an even longer career.
Remember these points and apply them in your management practices. Once you develop a balance between relating to and managing your employees, it will make them stay longer and remain happier.