We say we have what you need when you need it . . . and we guarantee it.
What you need when you need it
Assuring we have the stuff you need is a serious effort on our part. We utilize technology and old fashion observation to aide our procurement systems.
We carry more than the just the common items. In most cases we’re known as “the place that has it.” So you need larger size fittings, lamps, valves, etc that nobody stocks? Odds are, we’ve got you covered.
Putting Money Where Our Mouth Is 
We put our money where our mouth is! Checkout our In-Stock Security (ISS) Guarantee!
Each branch has their own In-Stock Security list of items we guarantee to be on our shelf when you order them. The ISS program runs from April 15 through September 30 each year. If we don’t have an ISS item, you get an instant $25 credit to your order!
See the poster by our counter or ask for a list to see the ISS items at your Wolf Creek branch.