As more and more questions about solar powered lighting are being asked as we become more interested in LED. With an elevating interest in LED lighting, our industry will begin to advertise ourselves as green lighting experts. I thought it would be a good idea to delve into this subject a little to inform my clientele a little better as to why I do not utilize this technology at this time.
Believing I am a good citizen of the earth, I am concerned about the well-being of the planet and the future we are leaving to our kids. As a businessman, I try to stay informed and make an effort to utilize resources in an environmentally responsible way.
In our particular industry, saving money by saving our earth’s resources has never been easier. I have done extensive researching on alternative energy supplies. The power of the sun for electrical energy use is one of the most mystifying concepts I have ever tried to wrap my head around.
Solar Energy
Photovoltaic cells (light+electricity) have actually been in use by our own space program since 1958. So, the idea of solar power has been around for a while. Scientists and developers have been working hard to apply solar energy. These principles are being applied to our everyday life as an alternative renewable energy source. Receiving the warmth and the light of the sun is free.
Expensive and Difficult
Why then is this highly available supply so incredibly inefficient and expensive to use? The complex process of uniting the right atoms for the purpose of blowing them apart to then collect and store the energy created from these tiny explosions in the form of loose electrons. The loose electrons then have to be directed toward a path that will actually capture and store the power generated. Although the process sounds simple enough, its hard to wrap your mind around.
On a bright day, the sun can send down about 1000 watts of energy per square meter. But the evolving chain reaction encounters many obstacles affecting the efficiency of the desired outcome. Even in the best of circumstances—like the huge solar panels designed and used by NASA to power our satellites—over 60% of the energy is lost. In an average application, 12 – 18% efficiency is considered acceptable. Not exactly good productivity in the minds of a lot of folks in business!
Most of the energy is lost because not all the light from the sun possesses the appropriate electron volts to create the right effect within the solar cell. Additional losses can occur if the batteries used to store the energy are small, weak, or old. Lose can also occur when the group of cells and modules forming the solar panel is not placed in the optimum direction at exactly the right angle towards the sun for maximum energy collection. And of course, there should be nothing to block the light or cause a shadow to fall over the panel. A tree, plant, or cloud could black light.
Solar Energy Uses
Solar energy is clean and available. Our technology will continue to improve access making this a resource that’s even more efficient and cost-effective down the road. For big projects are ideal for larger panels and batteries to reduce our dependence on coal and oil. Big projects could include, supplementing the power usage for your home or even streetlights.
For a small project, a big solar panel and cumbersome battery are just not an attractive way to get the right illumination. A small project could be if you’re trying to charge up a 4 – 10 watt fixture to adequately light the steps leading to your front door. The tiny one inch square solar cell and battery on top of the commonly seen cheap outdoor lighting fixtures are ideal. They are available at the big-box stores simply isn’t large enough to gather and store enough sunlight to power the light for nighttime hours.
To properly utilize solar power for this type of project—operating your outdoor lighting system—a collection panel large enough to do the whole job should be installed. The panel should be in the appropriate location with a high quality battery to store the maximum energy for operation of a premium LED system.
Not every great idea in the green industry has great results in every application. We are all obliged to do the research. Find what earth-friendly solutions work best for you and what you want to accomplish. Anything less is a waste of more of our “green” resources.
Solar Power Installation
So, as I explain to my clients, I can install an LED lighting system which operates on 12-volt electricity. It will be less expensive than if we were to install a large solar panel or panels and battery storage. Which will have to be replaced from time to time. We would then have to dispose of these large batteries.
At this time, it makes more sense not to go to the solar option. This is, unless regular electrical service is just not available. In which case, solar is a very good option.
Paul R. Gosselin, CLVLT, President of AOLP (AOLP LightLines Winter 2011 issue)

The solar power is the perfect solution for the future.The use of solar power can control the level of pollution, as the process of generating electricity from sunlight cause no pollutants. The solar power is the safest and cleanest energy and helps us sustain the environment.Unlike the non-renewable energy sources, such as coal and petroleum, solar power does not cause smog or global warming. It reduces the amount of carbon dioxide and other Green House Gases from the air and makes environment more stable. It can be a viable solution for combating the effects of global warming in the years to come.