The weather in the Ohio region is unpredictable to say the least. Snow and 30 degrees one day then 60 and sunny the next day is just a typical week. Last year we experienced a wet season which made business slow, especially for those in the irrigation business.
Spring weather predictions for the greater Ohio Valley are for cool temperatures and rain. This is not uncommon for this time of year but those in the Green Industry are hopeful for a hot summer. The 2018 Spring Weather Forecast from Farmer’s Almanac predicts that the end of spring will be predominantly sunny and mild, with occasional thunderstorms and rain.
Temperatures are expected to be well-above average in parts of the West mid-to-late summer. The greatest chance for warmer-than-average temperatures this summer for the Northeast will be in June. Above-average temperatures are also likely in the Southeast, as well as for much of the West.
The expanse of hotter-than-average temperatures will grow in August, stretching from the West coast through the Plains and into parts of the Midwest and Southeast.
Only time can tell if the weather will be on our side this season.