Grasses are the dominate plant on our planet. Why? Because they fit so many environments and perform valuable amenities. Here’s a few:
Erosion Prevention
Grasses tend to be one of the pioneering plants, one of the first to grow in areas where plant life has been extinguished. Grass roots form dense mats across the surface layer of soil. Thus grasses are a first defense to fight soil erosion.
Dust Stabilization
Grassed areas do not allow soil particles to be picked up by the wind and the density of grass leaves help trap dust.
Rainfall Absorption
The density of grass leaves and roots help trap rain water and maintain openings into the soil aiding percolation. A 10,000 square-foot lawn can absorb more than 6,000 gallons of water! Which means turf grass is an excellent tool to hold rainfall on a property instead of over burdening our sewer systems.
Reduces Glare/Reduces Noise
Sunlight is diffused by the texture of a lawn. A lawn’s texture also dampens noise. Up to 30%!
Natural Air Cleaner
Lawns take in carbon dioxide and break it down to carbon and oxygen. The oxygen benefits animal life and the carbon is captured in the plant’s body. For those worried about global warming, the reduction of free carbon helps your cause. A 50 x 50 foot lawn provides enough oxygen for a family of 4 everyday!
Cools the Environment
Water moving through the grass plant into the atmosphere causes a cooling effect. Summer temperatures above a lawn will be up to 30 degrees cooler compared to a paved area. Eight average size lawns will produce cooling equal to a 70 ton air conditioner!
Restores Soil
Grasses add organic material into the soil. They also help open the soil so air can move into it. Grassed areas tend have increasing fertility and overall soil health.
-Scott Knows, Wolf Creek Company President.