How are your sprinklers preforming? Well, if you haven't conducted a water audit, you probably don't know. Conducting a water audit will save you money in…
Wow, time has flown by! Can you believe it is already almost time for Wolf Creek University Classes to begin? In Wolf Creek University's 2017…
Irrigation systems are expensive. While cutting corners now may save cost, later you may be in a deeper hole. Decoder systems offer advantages in many…
The winter months are slow. The courses slow down and less maintenance is needed. These months provide a good opportunity to learn more skills in your trade…
In Wolf Creek University's 2017 classes, each course offers a unique way to learn and become better at managing certain systems. Golf Irrigation Service is one…
The irrigation system is an integral part of the golf course asset. Like the roof on the clubhouse, the irrigation system is absolutely necessary but…
Most golf course managers have planned significant upgrades for their irrigation system. But those plans, many of them more than 10 years old, languish in…
Rain Bird is favored by 7 of the Top Ten golf courses in America as defined by the Golf Digest 2015-2016 Greatest Golf Courses ranking. In…
A few weeks back you heard about the 72 hour water ban in Toledo, Ohio due to toxins from an Algae bloom in Lake Erie. …