The Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association (ONLA) is starting a new continuing education series that is both affordable and creative: Credits and Coffee. This two-day event focuses on four tracks with each up to ten continuing education credits, including Pests and Diseases; Landscape; Plants; and Retail, Grower and Nursery Operations.
- When: Monday, January 13 and Tuesday, January 14
- Where: Crowne Plaza Columbus North in Worthington, Ohio
The cost is $260, which includes 10 credit hours, coffee and lunch. One-hour sessions will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a 15-minute break between each session and a break for lunch. Credit hours will be available for the following certifications: ODA, LA CES, ISA, APLD, AOLP, IA, ICPI, CIT, NALP, and OCNT*.
You can register online and view the full schedule. The registration deadline is Jan. 6.
- *ODA: Ohio Department of Agriculture
- LA CES: Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System
- ISA: ISA Certified Arborist – International Society of Arboriculture
- APLD: Association of Professional Landscape Designers
- AOLP: Association of Outdoor Lighting Professionals
- IA: Irrigation Association Landscape Certification
- ICPI: Certified Concrete Pavement Installer
- CIT: Certified Irrigation Technician
- NALP: National Association of Landscape Professionals
- OCNT: Ohio Certified Nursery Technician