Most golf course managers have planned significant upgrades for their irrigation system. But those plans, many of them more than 10 years old, languish in irrigation upgrade purgatory.
Why Finance Irrigation Upgrades
Why? Money is limited and there’s a long list of equipment, materials and services courses can invest in. There are always plenty of other things that seem to have priority. Time spent nursing a near faltering irrigation system means your crew cannot use that time for more lucrative activities. Most managers tend to ignore how much repair time is necessary, many tend to ignore the cost of parts, and few calculate the cost of disappointed golfers.
Your Superintendent and his crew are working hard to keep the irrigation functioning adequately. Bur realize, your irrigation system is like the roof on the clubhouse. Nobody wants to spend money on it, but if it’s leaking the damage is beyond belief. When the system fails it becomes more expensive than investing in maintenance.
As long as the course is green enough, the irrigation system is pushed to the bottom of the list. Often Superintendents will say that we don’t have the cash for upgrading. Please realize that cash gets generated from money held in the business from profits over time. The cash position of a business usually takes years to drastically improve. So often I hear frustrated Superintendents once again putting off their irrigation upgrades saying: “Well, maybe next year . . .” I’m sad to know that in reality, it is not going to happen next year, or the following, because don’t see the possibility in their budget.
So how can you afford to actually implement those upgrades?
Irrigation Financing
Rain Bird has a financing program that can be used for as little as $6,000 but up to several $100k.
When you think about it, your irrigation system is one of your most important long term assets, so financing makes sense. You can spread the outflow of cash over several years so the payments should be reasonable.
Right now, the cost of financing is still inexpensive. Interest rates have just gone down again, and investors are ready to loan their money at a super low rate. While that will continue for the foreseeable future, eventually financing costs are going to increase
Rain Bird Financing
At least explore the option. Rain Bird has made it easy for you to apply. A simple one-page application is all that’s necessary. From our experience, most applications are handled within a couple of days.
People seem fine with financing mowing equipment and golf carts. Why not the irrigation system? At least check it out. Talk to the account types and see what they think.
When Will Your Upgrade Happen?
How many more years can you get by with the irrigation system you currently have? Ask one of our consultants to check out your system and let us help you figure out what you need. Financing could be your answer to get the needed upgrades to one of your most important assets.

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