Golf irrigation has changed and advancements in technology will be causing more changes for the future. But change is good! New products will allow golf courses to be wise stewards of natural resources, more efficient operators, and provide a better product for golfers.
Golf Irrigation Evaluation
Analyzing your current irrigation system may be the best first step to plan golf irrigation renovations.
Performance audits will determine Distribution Uniformity (DU). Pump Stations audits determine suitability and condition. Control system evaluation determines capabilities.
Irrigation Planning
Once you know what you have and where you want to be, next is determining what product meets your needs and goals. Step two is a good irrigation system design. The final stages include planning, financing, and contractor selection. But, no worries; we can help from beginning to end.
Owning an irrigation system is the beginning, knowing how to use it how you will see a positive return on investment. We offer education courses to help insure effective operations, in addition to answering any questions as they arise. Yearly courses are offered during the winter months and touch on up-to-date, relevant industry topics.
A well designed, installed, and maintained system will last for many years. Good service insures a longer life span of your system.
Our qualified service technician is available to help you keep your course running at optimal condition. We understand a down system is a problem, so our service staff stand ready to help you get it fixed.