New products hit the street that upon first glance you don’t think too much about. But sometimes, when you give one a chance, you learn that item is a hit!
So it is with King Innovation’s TreeLight Mount.
Mounting light fixtures in trees, or even into wood siding or posts, required a junction box or surface mount of some kind. Never fun to install when balancing at the top of a 30’ ladder! Dropping screws, juggling your tools, you know the drill.
Try the TreeLight Mount! Quickly screws in with a power drill or just a screwdriver through the side hole. (Screw driver worked fine for me and is easier to carry up and down ladders).
Concerns were expressed about damage to a tree. I shared those concerns until I used it.
- Damage to the tree is minimized because there is only one puncture through the cambium.
- The material is non-poisonous.
- The length of the shank allows for many years of growth before tree girth becomes an issue.