Rain Bird IC Field System

January 29, 2018 0

Rain Bird has released the new IC Field Control System. With Wolf Creek Company's help, the launch of the new innovative sprinkler system will save…

Winter Classes Start NOW

January 22, 2018 0

It's that time of year again! Join us starting this week at our winter classes. In Wolf Creek Company University's 2018 classes, each course offers…

New Rain Bird Golf Rotors

January 22, 2018 0

Rain Bird offers unmatched durability, uniformity and now, versatility. Make the most of every rotor with new Rapid-Adjust Technology featuring MemoryArc. (more…)

A Year in Review: Golf

January 1, 2018 0

2017 is a wrap! Thank you to all our loyal customers, without you, we wouldn't be here!  From trade-shows and water audits, to installs and…