The online world is a frenzy! Your social streams are constantly updating with loads of new posts and comments. Honestly, it is a lot to keep up with. But guess what, there’s more! Even if you are keeping your head above water with your company’s social media, have you stopped to evaluate your personal pages lately?
My guess is no by the fact that you are still reading this. Staff and company leadership’s personal pages are a huge tool that you could be losing out on! Obviously, you know that you and everyone in your company represent your business. Even if they are outside of work, they are still representing your company. That is why many businesses include stipulations in the sign-on agreement for any new staff about not speaking or representing the company in any bad light.
If you are a smaller business, chances are you don’t have that in the agreement, or you aren’t monitoring it on a regular basis. You should be! Social media is a huge platform in which people often use to bash and complain about their work. In most cases their friends and followers know where they work, even if they don’t put your company’s name in the post.
On another note, there is so much opportunity with staff personal pages. At the end of the day, the more people that like, share, comment and repost something from your page, the further reach you will have. All companies should optimize their social media by encouraging and even offering incentives for staff sharing and being a part of the company’s online pages.
As the owner or head leadership of your company, you should be using your pages to maximize social impressions more than anyone! By using your page to push out company information you are reaching a network of people that the company page may not be able to connect to. Keeping your social platforms active with company and personal posts will build your professional network and create a possibility for leads.
I challenge you to take time to post a few times a week on your personal pages with company and personal material. It can be time consuming, but a valuable advertising source for your company.