Top 10 Things Employers Should Know When Managing Workers’ Comp
Managing Workers’ Comp in the Green Industry is a must. You want to know those top ten things that will help get you and your workers through the comp process.
Wolf Creek Company is a proud sponsor of the new Ohio Green Industry Association’s webinar series! Education is one of the most important ways business owners can improve their game. By learning about the industry tools, business management, diversity and inclusion trends, strategies, and more, you gain knowledge and expertise from the best in the industry. You then take what you learn and sharpen your services and management, and everyone benefits!

Webinar: Top 10 Things Employers Should Know When Managing Workers’ Comp
Wednesday, March 9 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM | OCNT Credit available
In this webinar, we will address the top common things employers should know when managing the injury and claims process, successful solutions, and discuss Bureau of Workers’ Compensation program updates. This session is helpful for Human Resource and Safety personnel of all experience levels whether you are new to your role or tenured in the workers’ compensation process. For newer personnel, this will be an informative overview for successful management of a workers’ compensation program and serve as a refresher for experienced personnel to add more “tools” to your workers’ comp process.Â
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