At Wolf Creek Company we expect nothing less than awesome out of our team members! The WCC Golf team works hard every day to provide superintendents the best products and service possible. We believe relationships are important, that’s why we aren’t really sales people, we’re problem solvers.
A Lifetime of Industry Achievement
Alan Clark, Golf Sales Manager for Wolf Creek Company and Certified Golf Irrigation Auditor, has been in the industry for 40 years. Working 12 years as a superintendent, 20 years as a District Golf Manager for Rain Bird and 8 years as a Rain Bird distributor salesman, Alan is no stranger to the Golf Industry. His experience has not only proven him a valuable asset to WCC but also has given him the tools needed to manage a territory and sales force that desires to help customers with their various irrigation needs.
Clark is excited for his 8th season with Wolf Creek. His direct relationship with Rain Bird and experience in the industry have given him the knowledge to meet the irrigation needs of many. Clark’s favorite part of his job is working directly with customers. Clark says, “I really enjoy getting out to visit and work with golf course superintendents, informing them about Wolf Creek and Rain Bird products. I have been in their shoes so it is always a joy when I can take care of their irrigation needs, making their lives a little easier.”
Why Rain Bird?
To Clark, Rain Bird is the best choice in the business. He uses Rain Bird to help customers improve their irrigation management and solve their problems. In this time of few full renovations, it is important to us to help you improve your irrigation systems in a reasonable, economical manner. “With my experience as a superintendent I can relate to issues superintendents have and help consult them on some solutions,” said Clark.
The constant updates Rain Bird is making on their IC System seems to be on everyone’s minds. “It’s a revolutionary product,” Clark says. The Rain Bird Integrated Control Technology is now built into the rotor or electric valve for easy, streamlined control. The new Rain Bird® IC System™ connects central control directly to the rotor or electric valve. No field controllers, decoders, secondary wiring or unnecessary splices mean fewer areas that can breakdown, wear out or malfunction.
Trends, New Tech, and a Green Future
Also an industry trend, the struggle with budgets and labor forces. Finding money to keep up this American pass time is harder than the public realizes. More and more workers are moving their interests away from the labor divisions. With more young people pursuing college educations, the labor force in the Golf Industry in addition to the entire Green Industry is feeling the effects of this labor shortage. It is important for the industry to work together to come up with a solution for this ongoing problem. Only through awareness and growth opportunities can we drive workers back to the industry.
In the field, Clark has noticed more superintendents wanting to stay on top of the new innovations from Rain Bird. Wolf Creek works to bring you the most updated technology. Being aware of the updated products on the line will only make your course standout among the rest. Although budgets are tight, the WCC Golf Team can work to update your course on your terms, possibly a phase at a time. Ask Alan or one of our other Golf team members about the latest from Rain Bird.