Scott Knowles CEO Wolf Creek Company
Scott Knowles,
CEO Wolf Creek Company

Safety First

Whatever you’re doing for your business’ sake, your first priority is you and your family’s safety.  Let’s keep that in mind as we work together to get through the challenges of COVID-19.

Reliable Sources

If you believe you have been exposed or have contracted the COVID-19 virus and are in need of information, please use reliable sources, such as:

Business Operations

Many states have shut down all non-essential businesses.  Construction is considered an Essential Industry, and we are open for business.

This means at Wolf Creek we have put extra measures in place to protect you and ourselves.

  1. We encourage customers to allow us to deliver instead of coming to our branch.
  2. We have set up parking-lot-pickups. There is no need to go inside.
  3. Our counters are stripped of all items and disinfected.
  4. We recommend using technology where possible. Use your phone, tablet, and internet to be in contact with your important clients. Use our eCommerce Portal to place orders.

Resilient and Resourceful

I believe that ultimately all things provide a beneficial purpose in the end.  This is difficult to consider because awful calamities have befallen people through the ages.  We are watching and listening to your questions and concerns and will continue to provide information and responses.  

Be Safe, Be Calm, Be Smart!

Scott Knowles, CEO Wolf Creek Company


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