The publisher, George Schmok, of Landscape Contractor Magazine wrote an interesting commentary called “Greening Naturally.” George offers his opinions about the social movement to be “Green.” He states a degree of cynicism with some of the knowledge found in the popular culture. Much of which seems to be driven more by political doctrine or selfishness rather than sound science.
So much of what Al Gore states can be proven wrong or incomplete. The ethanol craze is good for corn distribution chain but is raising food costs for the poor, is bad for engines, and has yet to a profitable business without government subsidies. It appears extreme positions are driving bad policy and investment directions that help nobody.Yet there are actions that really do work.
Actions that Really Work
Our industry can save a lot of water by adopting certain irrigation products and practices that actually have a short payback period. He poses the question, why we would not promote such products and practices?
LED lighting is another example. Owners can save half the electrical costs compared to an incandescent system. Throw in the other benefits (long life, no UV to attract bugs, easier installation and maintenance, etc) and LED use is a clear winner for everybody.
Several other innovations in our industry are helping people save real and documented resources and money. However some innovations just increase cost and cannot be proven to save resources and money.
You Can’t Force Innovation
The later tends to be what government is forces on us. George’s point is when people acting in the free market identify a problem or sees a possible way to implement new technology, solutions for conservation happen naturally. He makes the argument that “Innovation is born of necessity, not government mandate.”
I would add that innovation is also born of opportunity. Those who have insight into how a thing can be revolutionized to accomplish a good result will often pioneer dramatic ways. They do so with hopes of creating wealth. Thus, by pursuing their self interest they serve the best interests of mankind. Such dynamics have been called the Invisible Hand since the time of Adam Smith and the age of Enlightenment.
Free people operating in a free market revolutionize the world all the time. All great improvements are born from that fertile well. Few socially and economically productive innovations can trace their roots to government mandates.
Yes, we should strive to be wise stewards of our planet’s precious resources. But, let the market create our green solutions. Politicians and bureaucrats who more often guided by selfish, Utopian, or political motives should not create solutions.