Business owners, in general, are looking for ways to expand their business ventures. Although, many may be limited by their knowledge when reaching into a new division. Just a hop, jump and skip away from lighting, irrigation and water features are sound systems. Contractors have been adding outdoor lighting to their list of projects.
So, you may not know anything about outdoor sound systems. But, that’s okay; it’s easier than you think. If you are already knowledgeable in low voltage lighting installations, it is an simple addition. Homeowners will appreciate if you build in these systems to their outdoor design. This is just another amenity you can add that will generate profit, repeat customers, and expansion.
The perfect system to offer your clients is the SONARRAY SR1 system. The SR1 is a complete outdoor audio system. This outdoor sound system offers balanced volume levels for areas up to 2000 square feet, providing your client with greater ambiance in their outdoor living space. Unlike other speakers, the SR1 blends into the outdoor space due to the satellite technology. Speakers can be hidden around a space and the subwoofer buried to give a seamless appeal. The SR1 system runs off of a standard AV receiver or stereo amplifier. It consists of eight satellite speakers and one in-ground subwoofer that install easily into any landscape.
SR 2-125 DSP Amplifier
The SR 2-125 DSP Amplifier has been engineered as the perfect compliment to the SONARRAY SR1 landscape speaker system. The 125-watt stereo amplifier contains 20 DSP presets that allow your system to be perfectly tuned to your outdoor area. Whether your backyard is hardscape or softscape, the amplifier presets optimize the best sound and performance of the SR1 system for your outdoor environment. The SR 2-125 includes multiple inputs enabling you to use multiple sources and streaming music devices. In backyards and patios, the SR1’s system of satellites and subwoofer, coupled with the
SR 2-125 Amplifier, creates crystal clear audio emanating from everywhere, and raises
the bar on affordable outdoor audio.