Rain Bird announces a major renovation of their PEB valve series. The bonnet assembly, including the diaphragm, has been reworked.
The upgrades offer several advantages:

Longer life– While already being one of the longest life valves on the market, Rain Bird sought to increase lifespans by many more years. The main reason is the hassle of having to work on valves buried deep, hard to access; or causing disruptions to fix. The new bonnets are made for stronger new materials; redesigned to be easier to manufacture (a benefit to insure reliable quality), and to better distribute stress throughout the body. A bulletproof valve is now almost canon proof!
Higher operational performance– The new bonnets allow the valve to handle tremendous water hammer and pressure surges. Will also handle very high water pressures.
So what’s the downside? Nothing if buying a new valve, you’ll be getting the strongest heaviest built valve on the market. However, if you are replacing diaphragms or bonnets, you must use the new style for both. Old bonnets or diaphragms don’t inter mix with new ones.
Whether old or new, the diaphragms and bonnets still fit new or old valve bodies (the bottom part attached to the pipe). So, you don’t have to cut older valve bodies out of the piping, just replace the bonnet assembly.
To help you understand the upgrade and implications for replacement parts, click here for Rain Bird’s FAQ document. (Rain Bird PEB Valve Upgrade.pdf in LS-Trend sub directory)