Sell More Landscape Lighting this Fall – Here’s How
When the leaves start falling, landscape lighting sales will rise.  As days get shorter, the need for proper lighting in outdoor areas becomes more obvious. As the growing season is ending, it is the perfect time to start promoting landscape lighting installation.  Here are three great ways to boost lighting sales:
Motivate Current Customers
The easiest way is to let existing customers know that you install landscape lighting. You can send them an email ahead of fall, and maybe follow up with a text.  You can include stuffers with your invoices. Leave flyers behind when you do fall fertilization or irrigation winterization service visits. You’ll be surprised by how many inquiries you’ll receive for professionally installed lighting.Â

Sell with Show-and-Tell Demos
Demo installations are a great way for clients to experience the full impact of professional lighting in a portion of their landscape.  Identify some key clients where you can set up a trial system using a demo kit. (If you need a demo kit, ask us.) The key to a good demo is to leave it in place for at least a week, so the customer can experience it for several nights. You can use a photocell that will switch the lights on and off automatically.
Always offer the lighting option
The contractors who do best with lighting are the ones who offer it with every project. Persistence and repetition pay off. Experienced pros know that even if only 2 out of 10 customers say yes, they’ve increased their sales up to 20%. Whether they’re installing plantings, irrigation or performing lawn renovation, leading professionals never fail to propose lighting.
If you are intrigued to get started with outdoor lighting and want to know more, contact your nearby Wolf Creek branch location.
Read more articles about landscape lighting.