Algae are a nuisance in bodies of water. Whether you have a pond or lake, they are a target for algae.
Algae flourishes in water that lacks oxygen. If water is properly aerated, it maintains beneficial levels of dissolved oxygen, which eliminates excess nutrients (through oxidation and aerobic digestion) and thereby limits the available “food source” for algae. In short: the better oxygenated the water, the less food for algae.
One category of aeration devices is surface aeration and fountains.
Why Aeration, Not Chemical?
Excess nutrients and lack of oxygen cause a build-up in algae and weeds. Chemicals such as algaecides and herbicides are used to clean ponds. Although these chemicals may be effective in cleaning a pond after an infestation, they do not fix the underlying issue. Several preventable issues that occur due to lack of aeration are pond turnover, algae, and muck.
Without proper aeration, most ponds will physically turn over once or twice a year. Ponds separate into different layers over time. The cold, oxygen-depleted water is at the bottom and warmer, oxygen-rich water is at the top. As the seasons change, the water will turnover. This causes fish to die due to lack of oxygen near the surface of the water.
Due to a lack of oxygen and a build-up of nutrients, pond algae can thrive in a pond. Algaecides kill algae that are already present but are not preventative or last long term. Pond aeration oxygenates the water, breaking up nutrients.
With a lack of oxygen, the decomposition process that breaks down materials in the water cannot occur. Without decomposition, the bottom of the pond begins to build up a black layer of muck that releases excess nutrients into the water further feeding algae and other weed problems.
Aeration of a pond is not only preventative but also effective in combating a problem. Although chemicals have some use in reducing issues such as algae, they do not cure the problem. The benefits of installing a surface aeration device or fountain are endless.
The Benefits
Now that we have identified the problem as a lack of oxygen, the solution is simple. There are many benefits to adding surface aeration or fountain to a pond or lake. Surface aeration or fountain devices increase oxygen levels, reducing stress, disease and parasite issues with fish. They are good for the environment and the water. They also, support the food web and guard against bloom crash. Aeration devices break down thermal stratification that occurs especially at the change of seasons. The fountains and surface aeration maintain water quality and support organic digestion.
Staying Up-To-Date
Kasco Marine is one company that supplies pond aeration devices. Any aeration device from Otterbine includes an insurance policy against turnovers and fish kills. This ensures pond health and environment prosperity. The 1/2 is HP ideal for ponds smaller than one acre. 1-5HP systems provide the best vertical circulation when mixing 15ft or less water. A 5-year warranty on 1-5HP aerating fountain systems is also included. Their wide variety of patterns and options makes choosing an aeration system easy.
Choose aeration over chemicals for the solution to pond problems. Call Wolf Creek Company at 800-488-7305 for more information or to place an order.

That’s really neat how a simple fountain to increase aeration can prevent so many problems in a pond. I’m building a home and want to install a pool in the backyard. I like fish, so I’ll make it the best environment possible for them.
I had thought that a fountain was going to help keep the water clean. After all, moving water is cleaner than standing water. I didn’t know that the water could turnover and kill fish. This is a great reason to have at least a small fountain in small lakes and ponds.