Why Wolf Creek?

April 22, 2019 0

Serving golf courses, sport turf facilities, or anyone maintaining a large track of turf grass; our service area includes Ohio, Kentucky, and southern Indiana. We help…

Buy Like A Pro?

April 15, 2019 0

Saw another add encouraging landscapers to stock up on product. They called it “buying like a pro.” Hmmmm, is that how professional contractors buy nowadays?…

Creating a Rain Garden

February 25, 2019 0

What is a Rain Garden? A shallow, constructed depression commonly planted with deep-rooted native plants & grasses. They are located within a landscape to receive…

IrriGreen Genius System

February 4, 2019 0

Here at Wolf Creek Company we want to offer contractors the best quality products we can. We stay up-to-date on the latest Green Industry innovations…