Why Wolf Creek?

April 22, 2019 0

Serving golf courses, sport turf facilities, or anyone maintaining a large track of turf grass; our service area includes Ohio, Kentucky, and southern Indiana. We help…

Why We Choose Quality

February 4, 2019 6

Rain Bird Corporation is one of the leading irrigation manufacturers in the world. A privately held company founded in 1933, Rain Bird delivers top quality,…

Lighting Lessons Learned

December 24, 2018 0

The lighting system at my house has evolved many times over the past 23 years.  Yet another renovation happened over the past month.  Here's are…

What Status Quo?

December 17, 2018 0

Ken Fisher, executive director of the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association (ONLA), challenged membership to “change the status quo.”   The ONLA is leading the way,…

Fear the “Spring Buy”

November 19, 2018 0

By now a number of suppliers are beginning their annual "Spring Buy" routine. Their job is to lock up customers and move a large amount…